Tell Us How You Build an Entrepreneurial Infrastructure

Take the Entrepreneurial Community SurveyVibrant and sustainable entrepreneurial communities are built on a solid infrastructure of connected networks—entrepreneurs that are informed, resources that are visible, programs that are relevant and collisions that are timely and impactful. 

SourceLink has been working in communities across the country for almost 15 years, helping build support infrastructure for entrepreneurs. We’ve decided to put our accumulated experiences into a book, with the hope of helping other communities grow and strengthen their entrepreneurial infrastructure.

We know you have interesting insights and stories about working with entrepreneurs day-to-day, on the ground. We’d like to hear from you what works, what doesn’t work and what you’d like to learn about.

Please take a few moments to complete the survey and let us know how you build the entrepreneurial infrastructures that support vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems. 

Take the survey